четверг, 12 июля 2012 г.

Spain Is The Best Country For Fishing

Seafood is liked by majority of the people in the world. However it is not all about eating the seafood. Catching the fishes is something very exciting and many people love to do that. When it comes to fishing Spain is the best country in many ways. The reason is that there are ample of opportunities of fishing available in the inland waters of the country.

There are some of the best breeds of fishes available in the rivers and lakes of Spain. Salmon is available in the areas of Galician Coast and Cantabrian Range. Similarly majority of the fishes in the rivers of Spain are Barbel and Carp. In some parts of Spain Trout is present in large quantity. The most famous area for catching trout fishes is the Sierra de Loja foothills.

Spain has plenty of breeds of fishes available in its natural preserves. One can have a look at the different breeds of fishes in Cazola, Las Villas, Sierra Nevada and Segura natural parks. As far as fishing is concerned the famous rivers for that purpose include Navia, Narcea, Ason, Sella and Deva Cares. Similarly the Pyrenees mountain area is famous for trout catching. The region of Costa Blanca is not lacking behind when it comes to fishing. Amadorio and Guadalest Dams are the famous areas in this region for fishing.

There are many people that love sea fishing in Spain. It is not easy but the fruit of it is awesome. People that are good in sea fishing usually end up catching Grey Mullet, Bass and Sea Breams. Similarly there are many kinds of tunas available in the seas of Spain. A famous fish in Spain is rainbow trout. It is famous since 1977 and it is not allowed for fishing in most of the areas. There is a special license required for catching this kind of trout. This fish is available from the month of March to august usually, location vacances costa brava .

Fishing is common in many parts of Spain including Costa Brava, Costa del Sol and Asturias apart from small rivers and lakes. The restaurants of Spain offer good seafood variety. There are many people that head towards the restaurants of Rio Frio especially for eating fresh Trout. The most famous dish in that area is the Trout Barbecue. Good thing is that the seafood in Spain is delicious and people love to eat that in all parts of country.

About the Author

Club Villamar offers many holiday villas dispersed all over villas en espagne and whether on the location lloret de mar. Holiday in Spain offers not only freedom but also a wide choice a vacation holiday in locations espagne.

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